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Items for Sale




Ribbons for very early Class 1,2, and 6

These ribbons are in very limited supply. The ribbons came in wide cloth, usually black, but some with black and red in specific columns of the ribbon. This allowed specific columns of printing to be highlighted in red ink. The width of the ribbons varied based on the model and number of columns. This is a list of the ribbons available from Burroughs in 1974. Unfortunately, only the ribbons marked with * are available for sale:


Color                Column Width (inches)  Length             Price (plus shipping)


Black*                       9  (1 3/4)                 5 yards              $25

Black                       11                              "     "

Black & Red              3 - 8 - 1                     "     "

Black                       13                              "     "

Black & Red              4 - 9 - 1                     "     "

Black & Red              5 - 8 - 1                     "     "

Black                       17                              "     "

Black & Red              9 - 8 - 1                     "     "       


Ribbons for Class 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10

These ribbons came in all black, black & red, and many other colors could be ordered specially.


Color                Column Width (inches)  Length               Price (plus shipping)


Black*                    7/16                          13 yards                $20

Black & Red*           7/16                          "      "                   $20  For use only on machines capable of printing red.


Ribbons for Series E & F Sensimatic Machines

These ribbons were only used on the Burroughs Sensimatic Bookkeeping machines


Color                Column Width (inches)  Length               Price (plus shipping)


Black                           1/2                                16 yards

Black & Red*                1/2                                "         "                   $25


Adding Machine Parts

Many replacement parts are available for Burroughs machines. Many are new parts , and some are used. Contact me via email if you need a specific part.




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